Meet our team

Professor Abigail Gardner

Principal Investigator

University of Gloucestershire

Dr Alice Goodenough
University of Gloucestershire

Dr Wendy Martin
Brunel University London

Dr Philip Reeder
University of Gloucestershire

Dr Stephen Tatlow
Post-Doctoral Research Fellow
University of Gloucestershire

Project Stakeholders

Forest of Avon trust is a charity that runs tree planting, woodland mental wellbeing and many other activities to bring the benefits of trees to people in Bristol, Bath and across the West of England.
The Royal Court, Cheltenham is a Lillian Faithful Home, a charitable organisation with five homes and two-day care hubs in Gloucestershire, providing assisted, residential and nursing care.

Project Advisory Group

The Project Advisory Group will provide independent assessment via an interim report on the project. It will also receive regular project updates and be invited to informally comment on developments. It includes Professor Sara Cohen, James and Constance Alsop Chair in Music, University of Liverpool, Matt Fellows, Chief Executive Officer, Age UK Gloucestershire, Professor Tarun Kuruvilla, Consultant in Old Age Psychiatry, Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust, Jude Rogers, Observer music journalist and freelance journalist and author, two older people from the Brunel Older People Reference group.